
I've been tagged!

Liz at VioletPosy has tagged me. This is the first time I have been blog tagged, I am so excited.

Now let's see if I can come up with 6 interesting things about myself. Arggghhh!

So here are the rules

  • list six details about myself
  • tag six fellow bloggers
  • leave them a comment so they know they’ve been tagged.

Six details about myself:

  1. I grew up on a dairy farm.
  2. I still live in the same city I was born in.
  3. I somehow unknowingly turn into a stay at home mom.
  4. I hate shoes, I live in flip flops.
  5. I am still trying to finish college.
  6. I don't know 6 bloggers to pass this onto. (I'm such a loser)

Here are a couple I am tagging so maybe they will get back to work on their blogs:

Morgan at Beautiful Thoughts

Laura at I Can Make That

Thank you Liz for the tag. Visit Liz's blog it is beautiful and she is much more interesting than I, and very nice as well.


  1. Hi,
    I, too was tagged by Liz and that's how I came to you. I hate shoes and love my flipflops, too!!

  2. Thanks for visiting Corinne.

    Good thing our lovely weather allows us to not wear shoes!

  3. Thanks for playing, I was so worried no one would!

    I hate shoes too, in the summer it's flip flops and in the winter it's sneekers (it's England and it rains a *LOT*!)

    Good luck finishing college, what subject are you taking?

    Liz x

  4. Oh how I wish it would rain here. It is still around 90 degrees everyday. Some cool weather would be much appreciated.

    My ultimate short term school goal is to finish my BA and get my teaching credential. We always need teachers and I can teach until I'm an old lady. :)

  5. Janet, I don't like shoes when I'm home, I kick them off as soon as I hit the door. And kudos to you for your goal of finishing your BA and wanting to teach. I worked in the office of my daughter's school for a long time and some of the best people I know are teachers! :)

  6. Thanks Sandra, I hope to finish some time in the near future. :)


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