
I don't really care...but kind of...

I used to love to write here. I would share things that interest me and that I though would interest others. I wrote expletive filled diatribes about things that angered me. I shared rants about dumb stuff that bugged me. But mostly I shared and collected pretty photos of spaces, places and things, that I enjoyed. It was a place that motivated me creatively.

Then came monetized blogs/bloggers, internet influences and Instagram. I felt like my goofy little blog was kind of dumb and embarrassing and not really a bright and shiny contender, although I never set out to make it a measurable internet presence. I lost interest in it and just started using it as place to promote my Etsy store (a boring and non-creative trend). After that I was uninspired and here it sits.

I love the feeling I get when I share beautiful things with like minded people. I love sharing art and color and beautiful experiences. I ALSO,  love to bitch about trivial things, which I am okay with, as those conversations usually end up being quite comical, usually at my expense.

I find it cathartic to put my thoughts into written words and by putting them out into the world it makes me more accountable and thoughtful about what I say. That's not to say that everything I say or write about is rainbows and unicorns, because I am kind of an asshole too. 

So here we go. A mess of pretty rooms, art, color, beautiful places, sprinkled with hot headed rants and asshole-ish-ness. Hopefully inspiring and thought provoking, for others as well as myself.

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No one is watching just say something! Everyone here is nice.